Is this an official website?
Why are you building this website?
I am a Data Scientist and I have been visualizing Canadian case data since the beginning of the pandemic. I wanted to build an informative website with clear and interactive charts that is also beatifully designed. In addition to displaying statistics on cases, testing and vaccines I also wanted to measure and share our case doubling rate. I hope you find the charts insightful!
What are your data sources?
As of July 17th, I have switched to using data curated by the COVID-19 Canada Open Data Working Group. This means I no longer curate the data myself. If you have concerns about the data please raise an issue here. A complete list of sources can be found here.
How often do you update the site?
This site is maintained by just 1 individual (me). As my regular job resumes, I find less and less time to maintain the website. I hope to update it daily. Thank you for your visits and support!
How can I contact you?
Thank you for your interest! Please email me at I welcome your feedback and requests.